
The Importance of Exterior Lighting

The Importance of Exterior Lighting

Commercial outdoor lighting is more important than you may realize and can often be overlooked. It enhances how a company looks and functions creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere to employees, existing employees, and potential customers or clients.

Exterior lighting can help market your business better and can play a large role in a company’s growth and success. Here are a few reasons why as a business owner you should make exterior lighting a priority and how we can make it easy.

First Impressions

First impressions are imperative for successful businesses, when a customer or potential client approaches your business, the exterior is the first thing they see. Professionally installed and well-placed lighting is not only appealing to the eye but can even become the most recognizable feature about your building. Lighting done right will draw attention to your signage and help make a lasting impression on your visitors.

Increased visibility at night is also an important aspect of attracting new customers and ensuring existing customers can always find you without issue. People are more likely to approach an inviting and accessible business that has well-lit entryways, especially after dark. 

Security and Safety

Exterior lighting has also proven to be effective in providing safety and security for employees, clients, customers, and the building itself. Having a well-lit exterior significantly reduces the possibility for slip-and-fall incidents as well as giving patrons a sense of security against other possible dangers. Most people avoid businesses with darkened windows and poor exterior lighting.

Having adequate lighting in your entrances, doorways, stairs, and parking lots can also serve as a deterrent for potential threats like break-ins or intruders. Installing and maintaining exterior lighting for your commercial space and keeping outdoor areas well-lit can help keep your business protected from potential criminal activity.

Lighting Options

There are several factors to consider when selecting the best exterior lighting options for your business. Some things to consider include illumination on: landscape features and statues, outdoor architecture, the business address, vital signage (which can also be serviced with our signage maintenance), parking lots and any other dark areas surrounding your business. At Omni Commercial Lighting, our experienced team will suggest simple and smart solutions for your exterior lighting needs. No matter which option you choose, we always strive to save you money! For more on energy saving tips refer to our blog Energy Saving Commercial Lighting Tips for Spring”

Adding Value to Your Business

Adding exterior lighting enhances your business’ curb appeal and contributes to the overall ambiance. Want to increase your property value in an easy and affordable way? Upgrade your exterior lighting! Outdoor lighting, when installed by a team of professionals, can go a long way towards highlighting the most prominent features of your space, especially at night and will also help catch eyes on busy streets or from far away.

Our process, is simple and only four steps. At Omni Commercial Lighting we strive to bring you on-time and under budget projects like upgrading your exterior lighting. We will work closely with you to bring your vision to light!