
10 Strategies for Elevating Your Commercial Property and Landscape with Outdoor Lighting

In the world of Omni Commercial Lighting, we believe that illuminating your commercial building and landscape isn’t just about brightening up the night – it’s about transforming your space into a safer, more functional, and visually stunning environment. In this blog, we’ll explore how strategic outdoor lighting can enhance the aesthetics, functionality, and safety of your commercial property. Let’s dive into some effective ways to achieve these goals.

Facade Lighting: Illuminate the exterior walls of your commercial building with strategically placed fixtures to highlight architectural features, textures, and colors. Facade lighting can enhance a building’s visual appeal, create a welcoming atmosphere, and improve nighttime visibility.

Pathway and Walkway Lighting: Install pathway lights along sidewalks, walkways, and entry paths to guide pedestrians safely around your property. Low-level lighting fixtures can also enhance the beauty of landscape features and provide a sense of direction for visitors.

Accent Lighting for Landscaping: Use lighting to accentuate trees, shrubs, flower beds, and other landscaping elements surrounding your building. Well-placed spotlights or up-lights can create dramatic effects, add depth to the landscape, and draw attention to key focal points.

Entrance and Signage Lighting: Ensure that the entrance to your building and any signage are well-lit to enhance visibility and make a positive impression on visitors. Lighting around entrances can also improve safety by reducing trip hazards and increasing security.

Outdoor Seating Areas: Incorporate lighting into outdoor seating areas, such as patios, terraces, or courtyards, to create inviting and functional spaces for employees, customers, or tenants. String lights, wall-mounted fixtures, or overhead lighting can add ambiance and extend the usability of outdoor areas after dark.

Safety and Security Lighting: Install motion-activated or continuous lighting fixtures to enhance safety and security on your property. Well-lit parking lots, walkways, and building perimeters can deter criminal activity, reduce accidents, and provide peace of mind for occupants.

Energy-Efficient Lighting Solutions: Opt for energy-efficient lighting technologies, such as LED fixtures, to reduce energy consumption and operating costs while minimizing environmental impact. LED lighting offers long lifespans, low maintenance requirements, and customizable options for color temperature and brightness.

Smart Lighting Systems: Implement smart lighting controls and automation systems to manage outdoor lighting more effectively. These systems allow you to adjust lighting schedules, brightness levels, and color options remotely, optimizing energy usage and enhancing flexibility.

Seasonal and Holiday Lighting: Enhance the festive atmosphere around your commercial building by incorporating seasonal or holiday-themed lighting displays. Decorative lights, themed ornaments, and illuminated motifs can attract attention, engage customers, and create memorable experiences.

Compliance with Regulations: Ensure that your outdoor lighting design complies with local regulations, zoning ordinances, and building codes. Consider factors such as light pollution, glare, and light trespass to minimize negative impacts on neighboring properties and the environment.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your commercial building and landscape with outdoor lighting, creating a visually appealing, safe, and inviting environment for occupants, visitors, and passersby alike.

At Omni Commercial Lighting, we specialize in meeting both interior and exterior lighting needs for retail, commercial, and industrial facilities. With fully equipped service vehicles and boom trucks ready to tackle any height, we are committed to delivering unmatched service and value in the commercial lighting industry. Let us light the way for you – reach out to us today!

Bright Ideas: A Guide to Deterring Birds from Nesting and Perching on Commercial Lighting

Omni Commercial Lighting caters to the lighting needs of retail, commercial, and diverse industrial facilities, offering solutions for both interior and exterior spaces. During a recent service call, our team addressed a malfunctioning outdoor night light at a client’s location. Despite the recent installation of new LEDs, issues were observed with interior lighting fixtures and emergency lighting.

Upon inspection, our technicians identified a tripped circuit breaker that had disrupted the operation of wall packs and canopy lights. The root cause was traced to multiple birds nesting in the Southwest corner of the canopy fixtures, causing damage to the wires and resulting in a short circuit. Our team promptly removed the nests, repaired the damaged wires, and successfully restored the lighting.

Preventing birds from nesting in these fixtures is crucial for various reasons. Here are images depicting the nests and the damaged wires.

The final four pictures showcase two potential solutions to address this issue.

The first option involves installing a retrofit LED can light into the existing fixture, eliminating any entry points for birds. The second option proposes the use of an LED flood lamp to occupy the space, aiming to deter birds from accessing the fixture.

Our team was able to identify and resolve the issue with birds nesting in the outdoor lighting fixtures. Retrofitting outdoor lights can indeed be an effective and humane way to deter birds from causing disruptions. The options mentioned, such as installing retrofit LED can lights or using LED flood lamps, are practical solutions.

Here are some additional considerations and suggestions for implementing these retrofitting options:

  1. LED Can Lights:
    • Choose a retrofit LED can light that is specifically designed to be bird-resistant. Some products come with built-in features to prevent birds from nesting or perching.
    • Ensure that the retrofit solution is compatible with the existing fixtures and wiring. Professional installation may be necessary for seamless integration.
  2. LED Flood Lamps:
    • Select LED flood lamps with a focused beam to effectively illuminate the area while minimizing light spillage and attracting fewer insects, which can also be a draw for birds.
    • Consider using motion sensors or timers in conjunction with LED flood lamps to control when the lights are active, further discouraging birds during their peak activity times.
  3. Maintenance Routine:
    • Implement a regular maintenance routine to inspect and clean the fixtures. This can help prevent future bird nesting issues and ensure the longevity of the retrofit solutions.
    • Periodically check for any signs of wear and tear or damage to the retrofit components.
  4. Compliance with Regulations:
    • Ensure that any retrofitting measures comply with local regulations and safety standards. This includes electrical codes and any environmental considerations related to bird protection.
  5. Communication with Clients:
    • Communicate with clients about the benefits of retrofitting for bird deterrence and explain the chosen solutions. Providing information on the potential harm caused to birds and the importance of responsible practices can raise awareness.
  6. Adaptability:
    • Choose retrofit solutions that are adaptable to different types of fixtures and locations. This can be especially important when dealing with a variety of outdoor lighting setups in retail, commercial, and industrial facilities.
  7. Testing and Monitoring:
    • Test the effectiveness of the retrofit solutions and monitor the area for any signs of bird activity. Adjustments may be needed based on the specific behaviors of local bird populations.

By incorporating these considerations, your team can enhance the success of the retrofitting measures and contribute to a more bird-friendly environment while maintaining effective lighting for your clients’ needs.

Preparing Your Exterior Lighting for Winter

As winter approaches, it’s essential for businesses to ensure that their commercial exterior lighting is ready to face the challenges of colder temperatures, shorter days, and inclement weather. Well-lit exteriors not only enhance the safety and security of your premises but also can contribute to a welcoming and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere for your customers and employees.

In this blog, we will guide and walk you through the steps to prepare your commercial exterior’s lighting for winter, ensuring it continues to shine brightly even in the harshest conditions.

Inspect & Clean

Begin by conducting a thorough inspection of all your exterior lighting fixtures. Look for any signs of damage, corrosion, or wear and tear. Clean each fixture, removing dirt, debris, and any accumulated grime. Pay close attention to the lenses and covers to ensure they are clear and unobstructed, allowing for maximum light output. 

Check Electrical Components

Examine the wiring, connections, and electrical components of your lighting system. Cold temperatures can exacerbate electrical issues, so it’s crucial to identify and address any potential problems before winter sets in. Tighten loose connections, replace damaged wires, and ensure all components are weatherproofed to prevent damage caused by moisture.

Switch to LED Lighting

Consider upgrading your commercial exterior lighting to energy-efficient LED bulbs. LED lights are not only more environmentally friendly but also perform better in cold weather compared to tradition incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. They are more durable, have a longer lifespan, and provide consistent illumination even in freezing temperatures.

Adjust Timers and Controls

With winter comes shorter days, so it’s essential to adjust the timers and controls of your exterior lighting system accordingly. Ensure that lights are programmed to turn on earlier in the evening and stay on longer through the morning hours to accommodate the extended darkness. Additionally, check the accuracy of your timers and adjust them as needed to maintain optimal lighting conditions.

Install Motion Sensors

To enhance energy efficiency, consider installing motion sensors for areas with less frequent foot traffic. Motion sensors can detect movement and activate lighting only as needed, thereby reducing unnecessary energy consumption. This not only helps save on energy costs but also ensures that your lighting system is operating efficiently during the winter months.

Protect Fixtures from Snow and Ice

Snow and ice can accumulate on lighting fixtures, affecting their performance. It’s important to install snow guards or shields to protect your fixtures from a buildup of snow and ice. This will help maintain clear and unobstructed lighting, ensuring that your exterior remains well-lit and safe for both pedestrians and vehicles.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Establish a routine maintenance schedule throughout the winter months. By staying proactive with maintenance, you can prevent minor problems from escalating into major issues that could disrupt your exterior lighting during the winter season.

Preparing your commercial exterior lighting for winter is essential and proactive to ensure the safety, security, and aesthetics of your business premises. By following these steps and investing in the proper maintenance (like contacting us) you’ll not only enhance the longevity and efficiency of your lighting system but also create a welcoming and well-lit environment for everyone during the colder months. Illuminate the winter nights with a well-prepared and resilient commercial exterior lighting system.